Muscle Structure

Skeletal muscle is somatic, striated and under conscious control. It is involved in the locomotion and movement of joints. It consists of bundles of elongated cylindrical cells called muscle fibres (myofibres). For example biceps brachii..

Smooth muscle is unstriated, visceral and involuntary. It is found in the walls of vessels and hollow organs and undergoes peristaltic contractions to move contents. For example the ciliary muscle in the eye.

Cardiac muscle is involuntary, striated and forms most of the walls of the chambers of the heart. It has the intrinsic ability to contract and is resistant to fatigue. 


Muscles can be described by:

The orientation of the muscle fibres

Their action
Flexor digitorum profundus
Extensor radialis longus

Their shape
Deltoid (triangle)
Trapezius (trapezius)
Rhomboids (rhomboid)
Gracilis (gracile: slender)

Their position in the body
External oblique
Tibialis anterior

The number of heads (proximal attachments)

Neuromuscular Compartment

Many limb muscles are organised into compartments. Each compartment usually has its own nerve and blood supply. The muscles in a compartment usually work together to produce movement. Muscle compartments are surrounded by a sleeve of deep fascia, which aids venous return when the muscles contract.

Motor Units and Motor Neural Firing Patterns

The nervous system provides the body with an internal network that delivers electrical impulses to muscles, which need an impulse before they can contract. The nervous system is divided into the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). The PNS can further be divided into the sensory portion (afferent fibres that transmit to the CNS) and the motor portion (efferent fibres that conduct impulses away from the CNS).

Structure of the Motor Unit

The functional unit of the nervous system is the neurone. The motor neurone is involved with muscle movement and conducts impulses towards muscles.


The cell body contains the nucleus, which is the centre of operation for the neurone. The dendrites conduct electrical impulses towards the cell body. The axon carries the electrical impulse away from the cell body to another neurone or effector organ such as a muscle.
Axons can vary in length, from just a few mm’s to a metre. They branch at the end into axon terminals whose tips are dilated in to tiny bulbs called synaptic knobs. The axons is also covered in an insulating layer of Schwann cells that contain the fatty substance; myelin. This myelin sheath of a Schawnn cell is not continuous and exhibits gaps along the length of the nerve fibre known as Nodes of Ranvier. These gaps allow rapid conduction of impulses along the length of the axon as they jump from one node to the next via salutatory conduction. The velocity of a nerve impulse transmission in large myelinated fibres can approach 120 metres per second, which is the equivalent of over 250 mph. This is 5 to 50 times faster than in unmyelinated fibres.


Myelin is a dielectric (electrically insulating) material that is composed of about 80% lipid and 20% protein. Some of these proteins are myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and proteolipid protein (PLP). Myelin is primarily made up of a glycolipid called galactocerebroside. Sphingomyelin in the form of hydrocarbon chains intertwines and strengthens the myelin sheath around the axon.

The main purpose of the myelin sheath is to increase the speed at which impulses propagate along the axon by saltation. Myelin increases electrical resistance across the cell membrane and decreases capacitance (store of charge), therefore preventing the electrical current from leaving the axon.

Demyelination is the loss of the myelin sheath insulating the nerves and is common amongst some neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases, including MS (where the immune system attacks the CNS), transverse myelitis (inflammation of the spinal chord that results in limited ability to send and receive messages in the spinal chord) and Leukodystrophy (progressive degeneration of the white matter of the brain). When myelin degrades, conduction of impulses along the nerve can be impaired of lost until the nerve eventually withers.
Typical symptoms of demyelination include:

  • ·   Blurriness in the central visual field affecting only one eye
      •  Pain with eye movement
      •  Double vision
  • ·   Tingling or numbness (neuropathy) in arms, legs, chest or face.
  • ·   Speech impairment
  • ·   Memory loss
  • ·   Heat sensitivity
  • ·   Balance disorder
  • ·   Difficulty controlling bowel movements or urination
  • ·   Fatigue

Propagation of a Nerve Impulse

At rest, neurones (like all cells) have a negative charge on the inside compared to the outside. This negative charge is known as the resting membrane potential and the neurone is said to be polarised. For an impulse to travel along the neurone, this resting potential has to be changed.

This change in the resting electrical charge is called depolarisation and it caused by a stimulus allowing an influx of Na  into the inside of the neurone, therefore making the inside more positively charged than the exterior. If this depolarisation reaches a threshold, then an action potential is reached and the impulse will travel down the neurone.

The ‘all or none’ law states that a minimum depolarisation must be reached in order for an impulse to be propagated, otherwise there will be no impulse. The impulses will travel the length of the axon without a decrease in voltage and the resting membrane potential must be returned before another impulse can be propagated.

Repolarisation is accomplished by K  flowing from the inside to the outside of the cell membrane so that the inside is negatively charged compared to the outside.

Neuromuscular Junctions

Neurones communicate with other neurones at junctions called synapses. These functions rely on neurotransmitters to carry the impulse across the small gap so that the propagation can continue. A motor neurone communicates with a muscle fibre at a side known as the neuromuscular junction.


The neurotransmitter is secreted by the synaptic vesicles in the synaptic knob, and in motor neurones is called acetylcholine. This allows depolarisation of the motor end plate of the sarcolemma of the muscle cell. The amount of fibres that a neurone innervates is related to the muscle’s particular movement function. For example, neurones may control fewer than ten muscle fibres of the eye muscles for fine complex movements but it may also innervate 3000 fibres in large muscles involved in gross movements, such as the rectus femoris.

In a motor unit, the ‘all or none’ law means that there is never a strong or weak contraction from a motor unit. Either the impulse is strong enough to activate a contraction of it is not, so either all the fibres in the motor unit contract or none do.

The all or none law is the principle that the strength by which a nerve or muscle fibre responds to a stimulus is not dependant on the strength of the stimulus. If the stimulus is any strength above the threshold, the nerve or muscle fibre will give a complete response or otherwise no response at all. It was first established by the American physiologist Henry Pickering Bowditch in 1871 for the contraction of the heart muscle.

Controlling Strength

The ‘all or none’ law raises the question of how we can control the strength of contractions and the length of time for which they are held. To do so the brain sends more signals to more motor units so that more are recruited within each muscle, increasing the strength of the contraction.

Another way of increasing the force of contraction is by wave summation. This is when the brain increases the frequency of impulses so that the muscle fibres that are being activated do not have time to relax. If all the motor units of a particular muscle are recruited at once then the force of contraction will be great, but only for a short time.

To increase the length of time of contraction the motor units are recruited in a synchronised way so that certain units can relax whilst others are contracting. This spacing of the recruitment of motor units is known as spatial summation.

Muscle cell (fibre) structure

Muscle fibres range from 10 to 80 micrometres in diameter but may be more than 35cm long. There are many structures that are common to all cells that are also found in the muscle cell as well as some that are unique. The cell membrane surrounding the muscle fibre is called the sarcolemma. Beneath the sarcolemma is the muscle cell cytoplasm called the sarcoplasm. The sarcoplasm contains glycogen, fats and mitochondria.


The perimysium is a layer of connective tissue that encapsulates the whole muscle. Fasciculi are bundles of fibres surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called the perimysium. Each fibre is also surrounded by its own sheath of connective tissue called the endomysium. This acts as insulation for each muscle fibre.

The muscle cell also has its own network of tubules and membranous channels. The membranous channels are called the sarcoplasmic reticulum and are an important site for storing calcium ions involved in muscular contraction. The transverse tubules extend inwards from the sarcolemma through the muscle cell. They allow the impulses received by the muscle cell sarcolemma (motor end plate) to be transmitted rapidly to individual myofibrils. Each muscle fibre contains several hundred to thousand myofibrils, which are rod-like structures that run the entire length of the muscle fibre. Myofibrils contain the contractile proteins involved in muscle contraction: myosin, actin, troponin and tropomyosin. The myofibrils can further be divided into sarcomeres, which are separated by sheets of protein called the Z-line. The sarcomere is the functional unit of the muscle cell.

Under a microscope skeletal muscle is striated (striped). This is due to the myosin (thick protein filaments) and actin (thin protein filaments) overlapping and giving distinct bands. The lighter area is known as the I band (only actin filaments are seen) and the A band is dark where both myosin and actin overlap.


The Z-line bisects the I band and attaches to the sarcolemma to give the structure stability. The H band is in the middle of the A band and is the section where you only see myosin filaments. The sliding of actin over myosin and the consequent reduction of distance between Z-lines is thought to be the way in which muscles shorten and hold tension.

Sliding Filament Theory

The sliding filament theory describes a process used by muscles to contract.
An impulse arrives at the neuromuscular junction and causes the release of acetylcholine. This causes depolarisation of the motor end plate on the sarcolemma of the muscle cell. This depolarisation is transmitted down the transverse tubules into the muscle fibres, causing calcium ions to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

When a muscle is in its resting state, tropomyosin wraps around the actin filaments, blocking the myosin binding sites. This inhibits the myosin from binding to actin and therefore causes a chain of events that lead to muscle relaxation.

Troponin molecules are attached to the tropomyosin. When calcium enters the muscle fibre, the ions bind to the troponin molecules (sometimes stated as the troponin-tropomyosin complex as the two types of molecule are attached in a complex). They change the shape of the troponin, exposing the active myosin binding sites on the actin to be exposed. Myosin binds to these sites to form a cross-bridge, which is energised by the breakdown of ATP (catalysed by the enzyme ATPase) enabling the myosin to pull the actin inwards and therefore shorten the muscle. This happens to every single sarcomere along all the myofibrils in the muscle cell that is being innervated. The pulling of the actin by the myosin is known as the power stroke.

When an ATP molecule binds to the myosin head, it detaches from the actin. While detached, ATP hydrolysis occurs ‘recharging’ the myosin head, allowing it to bind again (providing the binding sites are still available). The contraction cycle can be repeated as long as calcium ions are available.

When the impulse stops, the contraction cycle is broken. The calcium ions are pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, the actin moves back out and the muscle returns to its relaxed length.

A single power stroke of all the cross bridges in a muscle results in a shortening of only about 1%. Since contracting muscles may shorten by up to 35% of their resting length then each myosin cross bridge must attach and detach many times during a single contraction. It is thought that only half of the myosin heads are actively exerting a force at the same time whilst the rest are seeking their next binding site. This alternate use of the myosin cross bridge is referred to as the ratchet mechanism.

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