Sunday, 20 October 2013

24 Hour Symptom Behaviour

Difficulty getting to sleep?
  • Does laying provoke or ease symptoms?
    • Which positions provoke or ease the symptoms?
  • How many pillows does the patient use?
    • Has there been a change in bed or mattress?

Is the patient woken by their symptoms?
  • Is this provoked by movement
  • How many times is the patient woken in one night?
    • How many nights in the past week?

What does the patient do when they are woken?
  • How do they get back to sleep?
    • How long does it take them to get back to sleep?

Morning Symptoms

Prolonged morning pain and stiffness that improves minimally = inflammatory process (Magee, 2006). Minimal or absent pain in the morning with stiffness = degenerative condition such as osteoarthritis.

Evening Symptoms
  • Beginning of day vs end - progression
  • Pain that is aggravated by movement and eased at rest = mechanical problem
  • Pain that increases with activity = repeated mechanical, inflammatory or degeneration
  • Ischaemic pain is eased with activity
  • If pain is worse in the evening, what are they doing throughout the day? What is their workplace like?

1 comment:

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